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Simple Typology of Dreams

Updated: Jun 29, 2023

If a human is a three-dimensional being: body, mind, spirit, then these dimensions have their directions, or ways to determine one's location there.

I suggest they could be:

  • For body – “me” or “others”. A person directs his/her actions mostly on him/herself or on others.

  • For mind – “to do” or “not to do”. Be active or passive. ‘Passive’ can also mean simply ‘reactive’, because passive people also act, but often as a response to some external stimuli.

  • For spirit – “to create” or “to destroy”. A person creates something new or destroys something existing.

These are not dichotomies, but polarities of continuum. For example, a person can be sometimes creative, sometimes destructive. If we call it a ‘creativity-destructiveness’ dimension, we can measure it from 0 to 100%.

Simple typology of dreams (A. Nareiko)


The picture above represents eight possible combinations of the extreme values in three dimensions. They are connected by thin grey lines showing the nearest ‘neighbours’ of each type of dream. They are also connected by thick cherry colour lines showing which dreams are opposite to each other.

The names for the dream types are given for convenience of referring and they may be very misleading. For example, all dreams with a ‘destructive’ component are named with negative connotation. I believe that sometimes being destructive is helpful and necessary. So, take them with caution – everything has a right to exist.

How you can use this typology:

1. Determine where you are.

  • Martyr – when changes occur in the environment, reacts by creating something inside, by building or changing himself.

  • Yogi – actively develops himself.

  • Leader – creates something for others, leads them or shapes their opinions.

  • Sage – creates something for others when asked or when the circumstances require so.

  • Dictator – destroys something in others or belonging to them when the circumstances get worse for him. One may object the choice of the name by saying that some dictators are quite active (not reactive). My observation is that some real-life dictators were active when coming to power, but when they stayed there long they became busy with other things (for example, entertainment) and return to their governing functions mostly when they fear loss of something. To prevent the loss, they attack, i.e. aim to destroy something.

  • Robber – active destroyer of something in others or belonging to them. For example, a colonizer may destroy not only material wealth, but also local beliefs, culture, identity etc.

  • Coward – even if there is no external pressure, destroys his own beliefs, abilities and resources because of his fear. He imagines his own needs (to destroy himself) and acts on them energetically.

  • Slave – in response to external pressure, he is inclined to destroy his values, to wear out his organism and to break his way of thinking by replacing his own ideas with the ideas given by his ‘owner’, even if they make no sense and/or are harmful for the slave.

  • Balance – like all other options, it is a theoretical point. Equally distant and equally close to all possible extremities. Equally ready to become one of them.

2. Choose what you want to become.

Unsatisfied with your present or want to explore different states? Does your situation require you to change, for a short or long time?

3. Choose a path.

If you need to change more than one dimension, you may choose to do it in steps: by moving from the current dream to one of its neighbors and so on. Or you may want to change two or three dimensions simultaneously – it can be harder, but also faster.


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Finnish business ID: 3459858-1

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